Byfleet Dental: the dentist in West Byfleet who’s ready for you!

dentist in west byfleet

If you’ve been looking for a dentist in West Byfleet, you can call off the search and head to us at Byfleet Dental. We offer treatments for the whole family, including free check-ups for children of adult patients. We also offer free consultations for patients considering dental implants or adult braces. One of our popular treatments for realigning your teeth is Invisalign and our dentist in West Byfleet, here at our practice, will be able to advise about whether or not this is the right treatment for your needs.

The issues Invisalign treats

Invisalign is used for treating mild to moderate alignment issues such as a crossbite, over or underbite, gapped or crowded teeth. It can improve the way your mouth chews, reduce jaw pain you may have been experiencing and could also help to improve your speech, if you had speaking difficulties as a result of your misaligned teeth.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign is a system that uses aligners that sit over the teeth. As they are made of plastic, they are transparent and only your teeth should be visible to other people. This means that the treatment is very discreet and convenient as you are able to remove the aligners for up to 2 hours a day. You won’t need to wear them when you are eating and drinking, or when you brush and floss. When you are wearing the aligners, however, they apply a little pressure to the teeth to move them gradually into the correct position. This can take approximately just 6 to 18 months. You will need to change to a new aligner regularly and we will provide you with batches for 6 weeks at a time. You can collect the next aligners when you come for your 6 weekly check-ups.

Will Invisalign be right for me?

The only way that we can say if Invisalign is the right treatment for you is by seeing you for a free consultation. During this time, our professional dentist in West Byfleet will be able to examine your mouth and may take X-rays to determine if Invisalign is a viable treatment option for you. We do have other convenient and discreet methods of realigning your smile if it isn’t quite right, so there’s no need to worry. We can discuss all of the treatment options, so that you can make an informed decision.

Will Invisalign be comfortable?

The aligners should be very comfortable to wear, once you are used to the pressure in your mouth. The aligners are made bespoke using iTero technology to digitally scan your mouth and to get the measurements for your aligners to be manufactured to. From this, we will also be able to generate an animation of what your teeth will look like after your treatment has been completed, so if you do go for Invisalign, you will have a clear goal to aim for! As the aligners are made of plastic, they should also be far more difficult to break than brackets and wires, and they could be more comfortable by being removable too.

If you are keen to get a beautiful smile, why not head to see us at our dental boutique and get ready to receive the treatment you need? We’re ready and waiting for you!