Emergency oral health care by your dentist in West Byfleet


If you need an emergency solution because you have been in an accident of some kind or are experiencing severe pain that will not go away, then look no further than your dentist in West Byfleet to provide you with the right kind of care when you need it.

In addition, if previous oral treatment has failed in some way, such as a crown has broken, then seek emergency care as quickly as you can so that you can follow the right advice to ensure that the integrity of your tooth is not overly compromised.

We treat any injury, pain or failed treatment as an emergency and you should as well. By understanding that your compromised tooth can have a detrimental impact on the rest of your smile and for many years to come, acting quickly and in the right way can have a huge effect on the overall outcome, so it is best to ask and be prepared.

When it comes to avulsed teeth, there are a few things that your dentist in West Byfleet feels you best be made aware of before it happens. This can make all the difference as to whether they are able to salvage the tooth and restore it, which is possible if you are able to reach them fast enough.

In general, whatever the emergency, if you can call us and provide us with some details of your situation, then we are able to provide you immediately with the right kind of advice as to improve any chances of success once you can come in to see us. This can have a hugely positive outcome on your general wellbeing.

What should we know about avulsed teeth?

Firstly, know that the more you handle the tooth, especially the delicate roots of an avulsed tooth, the more you are likely to damage it beyond repair. The parts of the tooth that are not typically seen are actually extremely delicate and the cells degrade quickly when not in the right environment.

So, gently wash the tooth if it is dirty without rubbing or scrubbing and in a saline solution or in milk. Plain water will simply make the cells swell and burst, rendering it too damaged for further use.

If you can place the tooth back into the socket without experiencing too much pain, then do so, placing a towel or cloth on top of it and biting down to hold it in place. Should this not be an option, then keeping the tooth moist in milk is your next best option until you can make it to your local dentist in West Byfleet for immediate oral health care.

If you can get to our dental practice within an hour of losing your tooth and by following the above suggestions as closely as possible, then the chances of us being able to reinsert your teeth are much greater, enabling you to move past this experience without a lasting negative impact on your emotional and physical wellbeing.

Should this not be an option and your tooth remains avulsed, then we will help you to act quickly in replacing it, potentially with a dental implant so that you can continue to enjoy a fully functional smile again.