Five top tips for achieving a beautiful smile and healthy teeth


Brushing your teeth for minty-fresh breath and a desirable smile might sound straightforward. However, thousands of us sporting long-neglected teeth fail to do this.

Every day, our dentists and oral hygienists at Byfleet Dental see common yet avoidable issues at the dentist in West Byfleet. The need to educate the public on dental hygiene is more urgent than ever. In this article, we’ll discuss how you can improve your oral health going forward.

Brushing techniques

You’ve been brushing your teeth as far back as you can remember. However, unbeknown to you, you might not be using the correct technique.

A quick wash does very little in removing harmful bacteria and could fast-track decay, resulting in rotten teeth and major teeth loss.

Clean your teeth by positioning the brush at a 45-degree angle to your gums. Brush the tops and sides with back-and-forth strokes.

Never forget to clean the backs of your teeth because these areas are popular hiding spots for germs. Use shorter gliding motions to eliminate plaque and bacteria clinging to these surfaces.

Germs also live on your tongue – use the ridges on the back of your toothbrush to scrape these off. Doing so will also leave you with better-smelling breath.

Use the right gear

Implementing the above-mentioned techniques will be ineffective if your toothbrush is unsuitable. On purchasing a new brush at the dentist in West Byfleet, pick one with a small head that can reach the crevices in your mouth. Additionally, select a toothbrush with soft-to-medium bristles. Hard bristles remove enamel, the protective layer of a tooth that guards against harmful bacteria, which can be detrimental in the future.

Replace your brush every three months or when the bristles are worn. An old brush is ineffective in removing plaque.

Clean your brush and replace it with a new one after illness

A dirty brush is a breeding ground for harmful germs, so make sure to rinse and dry it thoroughly after every wash.

You should never share a toothbrush with anyone – that’s how illness spreads.

Speaking of which, if you do become ill, replace your toothbrush with a new one once you’re better. Otherwise, you run the risk of being reinfected.

Floss daily

Flossing is a skill that must be learned. Many individuals don’t realise the importance of flossing, instead deeming it as an optional extra.

If you don’t know how, ask our dentist in West Byfleet for a demonstration – incorrect flossing can harm your gums and cause them to bleed.

Use mouthwash

An antibacterial mouthwash removes the bacteria that your brush and floss have overlooked. Clean your teeth thoroughly by finishing your morning or nightly cleaning regime with a mouth rinse.

Timing is everything

Brushing your teeth for two-to-three minutes might seem a while, even more so for impatient children with limited attention span.

If you or your offspring can’t gauge how long two minutes is, play a song and stop brushing when it ends.

What you eat and consume matters

Brushing your teeth is the battle half won. What you eat impacts your teeth. Try to follow a clean diet consisting of leafy greens and lean proteins, with minimal intake of sugar.

Additionally, moderate your drinking and curb your smoking – both are generally unhealthy habits that also stain your teeth.