How visiting our dentist can prevent oral cancer

Oral cancer refers to cancer in the mouth and the back of the throat. Oral cancer is most commonly detected by dentists, so the best way to prevent the occurrence or progression of cancer is by making regular visits to Byfleet Dental so that our dentist can identify any signs of oral cancer at its earliest stages.

dentist in West Byfleet
What is oral cancer?

Oral cancer is a form of cancer that commonly develops on the tongue, the tissue lining of the mouth and gums, under the tongue and at the back of the mouth. It usually occurs in people above the age of forty and is more commonly found in men than women. In most cases, oral cancers are caused by the consumption of tobacco, excessive alcohol use and infection caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), however other factors that contribute to the development of oral cancers can include poor oral hygiene, an unhealthy diet and old age.

What are the common symptoms of oral cancer?

There are many signs and symptoms that indicate you may have oral cancer, so it is best to contact our dentist in West Byfleet as soon as you believe you are presenting any of the following symptoms, so they may make a proper diagnosis. Symptoms may include but are not limited to: recurring sores or lumps in your mouth, lip or throat, white or red patches inside your mouth that do not disappear within two weeks, sudden difficulty in speaking, chewing or swallowing, difficulty in moving your jaw or tongue, swelling of the jaw that makes wearing dentures uncomfortable and numbness in your tongue and mouth.

How is oral cancer diagnosed?

Unfortunately, oral cancer spreads rapidly so it is essential that it is detected as early as possible in order to be treated before it progresses to the later stages. Fortunately, if you visit our dentist in West Byfleet on a regular basis, they can carry out an oral cancer examination to detect any early signs during a regular dental check-up. The examination only takes a few minutes and is painless, and as cancer can occur at any time, we highly recommend booking regular appointments with our dentist so that they can distinguish any signs of cancer that you may not have noticed. If you suspect you may have signs of oral cancer, it is best to notify our dentist during your appointment so that they can carry out a thorough check of your mouth, neck and lips for any possible signs, and refer you for further tests and screenings.

How is an oral cancer screening carried out?

Our dentist in West Byfleet can carry out different combinations of oral cancer screening techniques such as a visual examination, screening dyes and palpation. Each process is fairly swift and can be carried out during a routine dentist appointment.

During a visual examination, the dentist will look out for any lesions that may be present in your mouth and throat and will look for areas that are abnormally red or for any thick white patches inside your mouth. Palpation is the process of using fingers to feel for any lumps or bumps in your neck, jaw and around your face; abnormal lumps or bumps in this area can be a sign of tumours and you may notice them yourself in which case it is important you flag this up with your dentist so they can have a thorough look. Oral screening dyes are often used to coat any lesions with a blue dye; this helps identify areas that are more likely to become cancerous.