Our dentist divulges the best ways to maintain good dental hygiene

dentist in west byfleet

Our patients may not at first give much thought to their oral hygiene, but it is imperative to do so if they wish to avoid the multitude of dental problems that can arise when excellent oral hygiene is not met. Good oral hygiene is meant to keep the prevalence of bad bacteria in the mouth under control.

When bad oral bacteria overwhelm the good kind, all sorts of undesirable consequences arise in the mouth. It is the bad bacteria that are the cause of dental problems including gum disease, halitosis and dental decay among others.

The interventions put in place by our qualified dentist in West Byfleet are often the only way to treat conditions with painful and uncomfortable symptoms that can no longer go ignored. But it is not necessary to wait for such undesirable events to occur, for many dental problems can best be avoided by maintaining good oral hygiene.

There are two vital steps to take towards looking after oral health – both are the responsibility of our patients. One is to set up a stringent mouth cleaning regime at home and the other is to ensure every dental health check at our dentist in West Byfleet is kept.

At our Byfleet Dental, we have an exceptional dentist in West Byfleet offering patients quality dental care carried out with a patient-centred focus.

For those patients who wish to know how to take better care of their oral hygiene, we outline below some of the key elements of a proper oral hygiene plan of action carried out at home.

How to keep on top of one’s oral hygiene

It is a widely-accepted fact that brushing teeth at least twice a day is one of the best ways to promote good oral health. But there is a dentist-recommended way to clean the mouth and an ill-advised way.

Most dental experts would say that using a soft-bristled toothbrush and a fluoride-enriched toothpaste brand are the essentials of good teeth brushing techniques. In addition to this, it is important to use gentle circular motions to target as much of the tooth’s surface area as possible.

Also recommended by our dentist is to continue to brush for at least two minutes, giving adequate attention to each area of the dental arches. The toothbrush needs replacing often too – after every three months is the common guideline observed.

Scraping the tongue and flossing are the two other obligations that round up the at-home mouth cleaning process. Our dentist can provide further instruction on how to ensure these are carried out successfully and which tools are best for an individual patient’s needs.

Professional oral health checks are an indispensable part of maintaining oral health. This is because, while as necessary as at-home oral cleaning is, it is not enough to secure total dental hygiene for the long term. There is always the possibility that the patient is not diligent enough in their tooth brushing and flossing which means they will, at some stage, require a dentist to carry out a deep dental cleaning procedure.

Do you have any questions or concerns about your oral hygiene routine? Why not have these answered by our dentist at the surgery. We are happy to find a time and date for your visit; simply give our front desk a call.