What happens during a check-up at your dentist in West Byfleet


Most of us know that we need to visit our local dentist in West Byfleet every 6 months in order to maintain a good level of oral health and hygiene. Our dentist in West Byfleet is able to take a good look using innovative techniques and technology so that they can see if any minute changes have occurred between consultations. If any changes have occurred, we can be confident in our ability to rectify the issue quickly with preventive or minor restorative treatment solutions, knowing that these issues are currently small and relatively new.

The concerns come when some of our patients miss out on an appointment or two and disease, cavities or other issues can become larger and more problematic. Of course, we have the right tools, confidence and ability to help you, but occasionally, drastic measures need to be taken and you may need to lose a tooth that cannot be restored.

By understanding what we do during a routine examination, we hope to inspire more people to commit to coming in to see us every 6 months for their scheduled appointments. Both children and adults alike benefit from this experience and we have found that if you establish this habit early on in life, a child is more likely to grow up fostering a healthy relationship with their dentist in West Byfleet and therefore ensure a healthier smile for life.

What happens at a check-up?

A check-up involves several features that we approach in a calm and organic fashion that suits you and your need for care at the given time. Plenty of our attention is focused on preventive solutions and simply checking in with you to see how you are doing.

We want to speak with you about any changes you feel might be of concern with your smile, consider any changes that have happened between visitations, such as illness, stress or pregnancy that might affect your oral health and then take a look at your teeth and gums.

Because every factor of your wellbeing plays a part with your overall oral health. By working with professionals who have this holistic outlook when it comes to your oral health care, you can be assured that the approach is dynamic, that no stone is left unturned and that this translates into conditions being accurately and quickly identified rather than simply treating the symptoms without understanding the root cause.

As we wrap up your examination, which may include x-rays depending on whether we deem them necessary to identify any changes since your last visit, we will discuss future plans for any treatments that you may need. These treatments can be restorative or cosmetic in nature and depend on the conversations that we have been having throughout the appointment and the general condition of your mouth.

We look forward to establishing a long term and positive professional relationship with you so that we can together work on improving and maintaining your oral health so that you can love the smile you share with the world.