Combat dental anxiety in children and make a trip to our dentist in West Byfleet


As adults, we do not particularly like going to the dentist, but know that we should. We also know that generally, nothing terrible happens at the dentist in Byfleet. Sure, we might experience some level of discomfort, but understand that any fear or anxiety we have is mostly unfounded in reality.

Taking children to the dentist in West Byfleet, especially if they have developed fear or anxiety about seeing a medical professional coupled with an active imagination, is another story entirely.

Instead of forcing an upset child to see the dentist and instilling further fear in them, learn how to understand and control their dental anxiety with handy tips, and find a family dentist with whom your children feel comfortable.

Our dentists at Byfleet Dental have the friendliness and patience for our littler of patients. We can help to change your child’s perception of the tooth doctor with our warmth and kindness and with a high level of skills, ensure your offspring experience minimal discomfort.

How is dental anxiety in children brought on?

Fear of the dentist is called dentophobia and can stem from memory. A singular bad experience can stir emotions of anxiety or fear when a child or person anticipates a future event, thinking that a similar outcome is unavoidable.

This type of thinking will lead to behaviours of avoidance. Your child does not want to visit the dentist because he or she expects that the same bad thing will happen again, resulting in crying or full-blown tantrums that you, the parent, come to dread.

These fears might be general, dreading the entire process or more specific, being scared of injections or choking, for example when cotton wool is placed in their mouths.

Ways you can help your child

Be positive about their upcoming trip to the dentist.

Avoidance behaviours do not just originate from bad experiences, but are also learnt. Children copy what they see, especially if such responses come from role models – they will pick up on your stress or nerves regarding seeing the dentist.

Teach your children why it is important to see the dentist and be a positive influence, make sure you do not skip your own dental appointments.

Start taking your child to the dentist at an early age

Find an appropriate family dental practitioner as soon as your child starts developing his or her first teeth. Exposing them early on in their development will help them to recognise our clinic as a familiar space that they can feel comfortable in.

If despite this, your child still has fears, read them dental-related storybooks to help them see that there is nothing to worry about.

– Do not use sugary treats as rewards for being good

It might seem desirable to feed your child sweets to keep them quiet, but it is counterproductive and defeats the purpose of encouraging optimal dental health and hygiene in the first place. Cavities in the teeth of children is a very real problem in our society today.

Visit us if you need to find a dentist in West Byfleet to placate the nerves of your child. We will help them to feel comfortable and relaxed to slowly build their trust.