Your dentist can find the beauty behind the smile


All of our cosmetic dentists in West Byfleet have a natural talent and desire to bring out the true beauty in any person’s smile. By speaking with one of us about your smile concerns and gaining an understanding about what will best suit your face we can, together, create a treatment plan that brings out a beautiful and healthy smile that is still uniquely yours.

There are several different procedures that we can perform here in order to assist in creating your smile makeover, each treatment plan with its own advantages and potential disadvantages.

Your dentist in West Byfleet will discuss with you all of the available treatment options as well as the advantages and potential risks that are associated with each procedure. This enables you to make the final decision as to what you believe will be the best choice for you.

Every individual is different and therefore we believe it is important to create a bespoke plan for every one of our patients. We do not believe in creating plastic smiles but rather allowing straight, white and healthy teeth to be presented that our patients can be proud to show.

We understand that a lack of confidence can be a major concern for our patients and when your smile is not exactly how you want it to be, your self-esteem can suffer. We will listen to your needs and desires so that you can trust that our professional advice is tailor made for you.

Our calm and reassuring personalities allow you to relax and feel welcome to discuss ideas that you have, knowing that they will never be judged or criticised. We are here to work together on creating a smile that is perfect for you.

What treatments can you offer?

If you have crooked, cramped teeth that are hard to clean, perhaps straightening your teeth with one of the vast range of braces that we have available would be suitable for you. You can choose from traditional braces or the ever-popular removable clear trays.

Depending on your personal situation, we will recommend a certain style that will quickly and efficiently get your teeth in straight order.

A final touch to any smile is a teeth whitening procedure, which we can either do in practice or you can perform in the comfort of your own home. We will take a look at your teeth first to gain an understanding of the reason behind any tooth discolouration, to make sure that this bleaching treatment is suitable for you and will get you results.

If you are looking for a fast and long lasting solution to cracked, badly stained, chipped or broken visible teeth, then perhaps veneers are a consideration. These thin shells are glued to the outer surface of your teeth and present a picture perfect, gleaming white smile that you can be enthusiastic to show off. Once a secret trick in the celebrities toolbox, veneers are now readily available to you and can be completed in as little as two visits.

Cosmetic dentistry is a blend of beauty and health, where all of our treatments not only cater to your confidence and the final appearance of your smile, but also positively benefit your health as well.