Hello? Is it a dentist in West Byfleet you’re looking for?

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When Lionel Ritchie sang ‘I can see it in your eyes, I can see it in your smile’, you may be forgiven for thinking this was a love song for his significant other. However, at Byfleet Dental, we believe it’s all about Invisalign! Invisalign is a treatment that addresses alignment issues and, while you can see your smile, you can’t see Invisalign’s aligners working their magic (and a whole lot of science and technology!) Our dentist in West Byfleet is here to help you get a smile worth warbling about in Ritchie’s song!

How it works

While there are a number of aligners on the market, Invisalign has been used internationally with 13 million smiles and counting! It has been established for over 25 years and, here at Byfleet Dental, it is one of our most popular treatments. Why? Because when Invisalign’s aligners are worn over your teeth, they are virtually invisible. They are made of plastic that is transparent, so only your teeth should be noticeable to other people. The aligners apply pressure to the teeth and gradually push them into the position that is required. Every 2 weeks, our dentist in West Byfleet will have asked you to change between aligners and provided you with enough to last for around 6 weeks, after which you need to pop in for a checkup and to get some more. The aligners are therefore removable, which is both convenient and comfortable for patients.

Removable aligners: the benefits

If you aren’t keen on people seeing an appliance in your mouth, it’s likely you’re also concerned about comfort too. With Invisalign’s aligners, they should be very comfortable, because they are made to measure your mouth precisely. Using iTero technology, we will digitally scan your mouth and obtain the measurements required for your aligners to be made in the Invisalign laboratories. The aligners should then sit snugly on the gumline, providing maximum comfort for you.

The aligners can be removed for up to 2 hours a day, so if you’re yearning for a little time out, then you can have some every day! This also allows you to keep cleaning your teeth and gums properly as you won’t have to wear your aligners whilst doing so. You are also able to keep eating all of the foods you love, because you won’t have to worry about having the aligners in your mouth as you are chewing, so there is no risk of damaging them on hard foods, for example. With two hours, you should still have time to take them out for other occasions, such as having a business meeting, playing sports, or sky diving – the choice is yours, daredevil!

It’s Invisalign you’re looking for

So, if you’re considering getting your teeth aligned, you now know about Invisalign and by booking in for an initial consultation with us at Byfleet Dental, you can discuss this with our dentists. You now also understand the hidden meaning of Ritchie’s song and understand that it’s Invisalign you’re looking for – no need to thank us, just come and get a great smile and we’ll be happy; so should you.