Choosing a Dentist in West Byfleet that is right for you and your family


Things to consider

When first looking into choosing a dental practice, alongside the usual consideration of the location of the practice, it is important to find one that suits you and your family. Having one dentist for you all has many benefits such as attending your regular check-up appointments at one time rather than being dotted all over the place. If you have younger members within the family, by having an appointment with them you are able to create a sense of ease for them by having your appointment first and allowing them to watch. All of these smaller aspects to choosing a dentist may not be something you consider when carrying out your google search, but each element to choosing a new dental practice is extremely important for your individual circumstances.

Creating a positive experience for your children.

Studies have shown that a high percentage of adults who failed to have regular dental appointments as a child grow up with an uneasiness around their dental visits as an adult. Visits to the Dentist in West Byfleet throughout childhood are not only protecting the teeth by putting in preventive dental methods but creating positive associations with each visit. At Byfleet Dental we want all our patients to feel safe and content during their visits with us which is why we encourage the whole family to have their appointments around the same time allowing the children to watch the process and in turn create less opportunities to have fears or anxieties surrounding the process.

Why might you need regular check-ups?

Regular dental check-ups on a six-month basis are what is recommended by our dentist. Whilst at Byfleet Dental we do not expect you to have the appointment at the precise six-month mark, this regular attendance to our practice allows our dental team to ensure that your daily oral hygiene routine is highly effective and can ensure that any adjustments needed are discussed and implemented promptly. Whilst this may all sound rather clinical these regular appointments also create opportunities for our Dentist in West Byfleet to get to know you and your family better. This friendly and consistent approach works hard to create a safe environment within the dental practice ensuring that you not only receive a very high standard of care but also feel comfortable discussing your dental aims and dreams. Working together as a team to succeed with your dental aims is of the utmost importance which is why our dentist will always work hard to create a comforting experience during your visit. We are all working towards your better dental health and therefore having a friendly and inviting approach makes all the difference.

Does the Byfleet Dental offer more than just regular check-ups?

We understand the importance of covering a variety of dental treatments and procedures to help maintain or improve your oral health which is why our dental team have taken their education further and specialised in a variety of dental fields. From cosmetic dentistry through to tooth replacement through to general dentistry. Our Dentist in West Byfleet has your and your family’s care covered.