Your dentist in West Byfleet will change the way you feel about your teeth


There are dozens of reasons why people are left feeling unsatisfied with their smile, from gaps to chips to yellow staining. Regardless of why you are feeling unhappy with your smile, here at Byfleet Dental we want you to leave our practice feeling proud of your teeth. Nobody should feel like they have to cover up their teeth, so make a consultation appointment at our practice today and one of our dental practitioners can tell you how we could improve your smile’s appearance.

Our dentist in West Byfleet can do much more than just a scale and polish. Whether you are missing several teeth, or you just want them to be brighter, we have a suitable treatment that will improve the appearance of your teeth and let you love them once again.

Cosmetic treatments

Our dentist in West Byfleet is able to carry out several different cosmetic procedures. It is common to get stains on your teeth as you get older, so a whitening treatment could be the thing that boosts your confidence. Having whiter teeth will make you both look and feel younger. You can lighten your teeth by several shades, but our practitioners will offer you advice on what shade would be ideal for you, before you undergo your treatment.

Crooked teeth or having gaps between your teeth can cause all sorts of problems, not just related to your smile. Overlapping teeth can make it difficult to brush effectively and you can experience a build-up of plaque in certain places. Having a brace to straighten your teeth will pull them into their correct positions and will reduce plaque build-up in those difficult areas, as well as evening out your smile. There are several types of braces available now, so it is important that you discuss your options with our dental practitioner. We will be able to offer advice on which treatment is most suitable for you.

If you have a chipped front tooth it can make you feel uncomfortable about smiling or even talking in public. Veneers offer a convenient and efficient solution to this, as they are attached onto the surface of your original tooth but alter the shape of it into a more aesthetically pleasing one. Veneers can allow you to make your teeth appear longer, wider or simply cover up any chips or cracks that you may have. They can also make your teeth appear whiter.


If you have lost all your teeth and are seeking replacement options, our dentist in West Byfleet will be sure to discuss dental implants with you. We offer you a permanent solution to getting artificial teeth. Small titanium screws will be placed into your jawbone and a full denture can then be attached to these implants. They are in a fixed position so cannot be taken out or wobble, so you can chew and speak with the confidence of knowing that your teeth are definitely not going to fall out.

If it is only one tooth that you need replacing, then you can still have an implant fitted. Instead of a denture you will have a singular crown attached to your implant, and it will look and feel exactly like your original tooth. Bridges and partial dentures are also available if you are missing multiple teeth but still do not need a full set.