Unsure if you need to see an emergency dentist? 5 signs that you do from Byfleet dental


While it is something that no one wants to think about, it is more important than ever to be able to identify a dental emergency.

Of course, we hope you never require such treatment, but a dental emergency can be life-threatening if left unchecked and, if you have never had one before, it can sometimes be easy to overlook them as they don’t all come with painful symptoms. Indeed, many emergency scenarios may be seen as an inconvenience and, as it is the way with dental care, if they are left they can quickly escalate into conditions that are harder to treat and may become more uncomfortable. Yikes!

At Byfleet Dental, our emergency dentist in West Byfleet is able to offer all emergency patients an appointment within 24 hours of you contacting our surgery, to help get you out of discomfort and back to living your life. What more could you ask for from an emergency dental team?

But what are some of the signs that you need an emergency appointment with our dentist in West Byfleet?


Almost seen as unanimous with a dental emergency is relentless discomfort.

How do you know when the discomfort warrants a same-day visit to our dentist in West Byfleet? If it is keeping you awake at night, preventing you from eating, concentrating, or it is not responding to pain relief, you need to see our team urgently.


Swelling to the face, gums or throat area requires immediate medical attention.

It could indicate anything from an infection to an impacted tooth, all of which need to be seen by a member of our team. Of course, if the swelling is impacting your ability to breathe or eat, go straight to the hospital.

Cracks and chips

Commonly seen in those who play sports, a crack or a chip can seem fairly harmless.

But, as you may have guessed, it can act as a gateway for bacteria to get underneath the enamel, leading to decay or infection. And as our team typically fixes such issues with composite fillings, it really is easier not to risk it.

Lost fillings and crowns

Lost fillings or crowns can be a bit of a nuisance; sometimes they hurt and sometimes they are unnoticeable.

However, if you are aware that you have lost a crown or filling, you need to see our emergency team promptly. Delaying the restoration could result in any decay worsening and the setting in of an infection. If you actually have the lost crown or filling, feel free to bring it in to our team; just be sure to wrap it in tissue paper to keep it clean!


If you have had a bleed in your mouth due to extraction or injury, it is important to keep an eye on the bleeds flow.

If after 20 minutes of applied pressure with gauze the bleed fails to slow, you will need to see our team to have either surgical glue applied or stitches. Simple!